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HomeLifestyleWinter is Here. Hence What's Better Than Gond ka Halwa? Here's Your...

Winter is Here. Hence What’s Better Than Gond ka Halwa? Here’s Your Recipe

When the winter season arrives, there is only one item on everyone’s mind: Gond Ka Halwa. It is generally made for wedding celebrations, and it is a very popular Rajasthani sweet dish. This pudding is both delicious and nutritious. When you eat this dessert, it instantly fills you with the energy needed to get on with the day. What better go-to dish to ask for to please your sweet tooth. So, here we have brought to you a confectionery-style gond halwa recipe that you can simply prepare at home.

But first, to get started you will need some items from your pantry. Here is a list of ingredients you need to make the delicious Gond Pak Halwa:

2 cup coarse whole wheat flour

1 cup gond

half a cup poppy seeds

300g pure desi ghee

1/2 cup Mawa/malai

2 cups Coconut grated

250 grams Sugar

5-6 crushed Black pepper

ten cashew nuts

ten almonds (chopped)

How to prepare-

To begin making Gond Pak Halwa, heat ghee in a saucepan over medium heat. Once the ghee melts, add a small amount of gond and cook it while preparing the gond flowers. Please bear in mind that putting all of the gond at once might cause it to clump together.

Once the gond flowers are formed, place them in a separate dish. After that, add chopped almonds and cashews to the same ghee and quickly fry them. The scent and flavour of cashews and almonds will develop better as a result of this.

Take a sugar syrup-making vessel and fill it with sugar. After that, add 1.5 glasses of water to the sugar. Heat the vessel by placing it on the gas. Please remember that we only have to prepare one wire syrup.

While the sugar syrup is being prepared, brown the wheat flour in a pan at high flame. The thick flour is used in the gond Halwa because wheat flour does not get sticky when mixed with gond. When the flour is sufficiently browned, add crushed black pepper and mawa, combine well, and simmer. However, if you do not have mawa available at home, you can use the cream as the substitute.

After blending the mawa/malai into the halwa, stir in the poppy seeds and a cup of coconut powder. This will improve the flavour of the halwa and give it a lovely aroma.

After that, add the sugar syrup to the wheat flour and gond mixture and mix them thoroughly. Toss in the cashews, almonds, and the remaining cup of coconut powder. Now, using a ladle or your hands, gently combine all of the ingredients. After that, place it in a tray to cool for a few hours.

Finally, once the dessert has cooled, cut it into pieces and serve.

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