Actor Manraj Singh Sarma, who is currently seen in the show Bade Acche Lagte Hai 2, was recently in the headlines for quitting the show. The buzz started when Manraj uploaded a video of his set with the caption, “I really had a lot of memories attached to this place! It had become like a second home to me! But goodbyes are tough! A final alvida to my second home.”
As soon as his video surfaced on the internet, his fans and everyone else started speculating that the actor had quit the show. However, Manraj clarifies that he had not quit the show.
Elaborating that he has not quit the show, the actor says, “Actually, it was our last day on the set, where we were shooting from day one. Our set has changed now and we’ll be shooting somewhere else. So, I thought of making one last video of my set and bidding adieu to it. I have not quit Bade Acche Lagte Hai 2, but after watching the video, people thought that I had quit the show.”
He further adds, “I was so elated when I came across tweets from people who were saddened by the fact that I am leaving the show. I feel that love of the audience is what an actor yearns for. The video that created buzz also helped me know about the importance of my character. I am thankful to all those who were concerned for me.”
Sharing what the show means to him, the actor says, “This show is very special to me. And most importantly, I enjoy portraying my character due to its unique layers. I have been receiving amazing feedback from people. I wish to entertain people through my performance in the show.”
Talking about Manraj Singh Sarma’s work front, the actor was seen in ALT Balaji’s web series Romil and Jugal, Abhay Season 1, Kehne Ko Humsafar Hai Season 1 and Season 2 and many more. He has proved his worth in TV shows like Kaleerein, Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya, Yeh Dil Sun Raha Hai and many more.