Cheque Payment Rule of this bank will change from 4th April, see details

PNB is soon going to roll out significant improvements in the payment rules.If clients are not cautious about the new guidelines, then they might experience to confront enormous difficulty.


New Delhi: This is vital information for the clients of Punjab National Bank (PNB). Punjab National Bank will roll out significant improvements in the payment rules from April 4. Punjab National Bank has rolled out a major improvement in regards to the guidelines of payment with a money order. From April 4, new standards connected with check installment will be material for clients.

Punjab National Bank will carry out Positive Pay system for its clients from April 4. Now the bank won’t clear any check without PPS.

Cheque payment won’t go through without PPS

Under the positive Pay system, after April 4, cheque payment can not be managed without confirmation. This standard will be appropriate on really take a look at payment of 10 lakhs or more. Punjab National Bank has additionally shared this data on its true site. PPS will be required for any really take a look at payment of Rs 10 lakh or more.

Realize what is Positive Pay System (PPS)

RBI has carried out this standard to make the mechanism of check payment secure. After the execution of PPS, it will likewise invest in some opportunity for the really take a look at payment to be cleared. The reason for executing PPS is additionally to forestall extortion under wraps payment.

The client of PPS should give the account number, check number, check alpha, check date, really take a look at sum and name of the recipient alongside the check to go through the check for a measure of 10 lakhs or more. This check won’t be gone through without PPS affirmation.

By making this stride of banks, it will invest in some opportunity to get the check and the accommodation free from the clients will likewise increment.

PNB gave helpline number

Punjab National Bank (PNB) has additionally given a helpline number for its clients. Such clients who are dealing with any sort of issue connected with PPS can get the arrangement of their concern by calling this helpline number 1800-103-2222 or 1800-180-2222.
