The Saturday episode of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai begins with Harshvardhan’s welcome speech at the Founder’s Day of Birla Hospital. Amid all this, Akshara is emotional as she now is aware that Neil is Harsh’s illegitimate son. Following this, Aarohi cleverly puts the DNA report file next to Akshara. As Aarohi expected, Akshara tries to hide it. However, Aarohi tells Neil that Harsh needs those files that Akshara has and asks him to get them.
Neil tries to take it from Akshara but she refuses to hand over the papers to him. He finally pulls it out of her hands and leaves. Aarohi then intentionally bumps into him. The papers fall from the file and Neil comes across his DNA reports. Just then Harsh comes there and scolds him. He calls Neil an orphan, to which he replies saying he isn’t one, and starts crying.
Meanwhile, Akshara goes to Abhimanyu and tries to tell talk to him but Abhimanyu hears Neil crying and goes to him. When he asks if everything is fine, Neil doesn’t say anything but gives him a paper. Manjari, who is already nervous and scared, notices this and faints. Abhimanyu takes her for a check-up when he hears her say that Akshara shouldn’t have done what she did. Abhimanyu is shocked to hear it.
Abhimanyu tries to send everyone home and tells them that he will come later. Harsh is upset with whatever happened but Mahima tells him that he could have behaved in a better way at least today. At the same time, Goenkas also reach home and wonder what must have happened between Harsh and Neil.
Later, when Abhimanyu leaves for home his bike stops and he gets down to check it. He then finds the same paper that Neil was holding and finds that it was Neil’s DNA reports. Abhimanyu is shocked to learn that Neil is Harsh’s illegitimate son.
In the upcoming episode, we will see that Abhimanyu tells Akshara that he is going to find Neil. Akshara insists that she will also go but Abhimanyu tells her that she is responsible for whatever is happening.
What will happen next? Will this secret spoil Akshara and Abhimanyu’s married life?