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HomeLifestyleWorrying of Weight gain in winters?here's how you can prevent it

Worrying of Weight gain in winters?here’s how you can prevent it

A variety of factors can lead to weight gain in winters. Here are expert tips to avoid piling on kilos.

Many individuals will quite often put on weight in winter season for an assortment of reasons. The season accompanies its own arrangement of solaces from great food to lovely climate, however it likewise makes one inclined to weight gain.

As the temperature plunges, getting up toward the beginning of the day and leaving the solace of your comfortable bed appear to be harder as time passes. Passing up every day exercise could make one put on weight throughout the timeframe. There is an overall decline in actual work too as the climate gets cold, which could make us gain kilos.

Wanting for solace food also is on record-breaking high during winter season with expanded hunger and accessibility of fatty occasional treats.

Except if you need to spend your next couple of months lamenting your choices, it is vital to track down ways of keeping away from this unjustifiable weight gain. As a matter of first importance, it is vital to venture out in daylight to set your body cycle right. Not doing this could make you put on weight and furthermore meddle with your rest.

Additionally set aside opportunity for actual exercise. Rather than glutting on low quality nourishment, eat new natural products, vegetables, entire grains, and vegetables to deal with the expanded craving.

Dr. Aparna Govil Bhasker, Laparoscopic and Bariatric surgeon, Saifee Hospital, Apollo Spectra, Namaha and Currae Hospitals, Mumbai lists five reasons people gain weight in winter and also suggests ways to prevent it.

Reasons for weight gain in winter

A sudden drop in temperature: As days become colder, people find it difficult to mover around and be outdoors. People tend to avoid hitting the gyms or working out. Decrease in physical activity and movement can lead to weight gain.

Shorter days: During winter months sunrise happens later and the sunset happens much earlier leading to short days. This also hampers the daily routine and many times people are not able to find the time to go outdoors. It is also very cold in the morning and evening hours.

Longer nights: Since the nights are longer, one may end up sleeping for an extended period and may feel sluggish during the day.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD): SAD is a type of depression that is associated with seasonal changes. It can lead to mood swings, inactivity and a dip in energy levels. People with SAD may not feel like exercising or going out. Moreover, lack of sunlight can also make one feel low. As a result, there can be some weight gain.

Eating foods that are warm and comforting: During winter, many people crave for tea, coffee, cookies and other kind of sweets. Many people resort to comfort foods which can be loaded with sodium and can lead to bloating and subsequent weight gain.

Tips to prevent weight gain in winter season

It is possible to avoid making the above-mentioned mistakes that lead to weight gain. Here are some of the tips you can follow.

Get enough sunlight: One should step out daily in sunlight. It will also help to keep conditions like SAD at bay.

Exercise indoors: Indoor exercising is a good option during winters and can help you to stay fit and healthy. Don’t forget to walk after every meal. Take stairs instead of an elevator.

Watch your diet: Have a diet loaded with fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Avoid junk, processed, oily and canned foods.

Avoid smoking and alcohol. Instead, drink a lot of water that will help you to avoid bloating and constipation.


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