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HomeLifestyleThis Lohri, Make Gajak, Til Chikki, Revdi at Home With These Super...

This Lohri, Make Gajak, Til Chikki, Revdi at Home With These Super Easy Recipes

Lohri is a joyous festival not just for the Sikh community but for people across India. It will be observed on January 13 this year. This festival, which was once limited to Punjab, is now celebrated in many states across North India. On this day, it is customary to prepare and consume delicious sesame-based foods. Today, we will explain how to make sesame seed-based Chikki, Revdi, and Gajak. They are simple to prepare at home.

Til Chikki:

To make Til Chikki, you will need the following ingredients

Sugar – 1/2 kg

Baking Soda- 1 teaspoon

200 grams sesame seeds


To make Til Chikki, heat water over medium flame and dissolve sugar. When the sugar has dissolved, turn up the heat on the gas and bring it to a boil. The sugar syrup is now ready to use. Ensure that no lumps are formed by putting some syrup in a cup of cold water.

Take sesame seeds and thoroughly clean them. You can also grind the seeds if desired. Place the sesame seeds in the syrup and cook for 2 minutes over high heat.

Now, turn off the flame and add baking soda. Place some ghee in the bottom of a tray or plate and spread the mixture all over. Allow it to dry. Your Til Chikki is now ready.



Roasted Sesame (White) – 1/2 cup

Sugar – 1 cup

Corn syrup – 2 tsp

Lemon juice – 1/2 tsp

Kewra essence – 1/2 tsp

Cardamom powder – 1 tsp

Baking or silicone mat

To make sesame Revdi, first, heat a nonstick pan over medium flame and then add sugar and water. Stir it constantly. When the water is hot, add corn syrup. Stir constantly until the mixture thickens. After that, mix in the cardamom powder and lemon juice. To get the aroma in the revdi mixture, add kewra essence. When the mixture has thickened, add roasted sesame seeds.

Mix everything thoroughly. Now turn off the gas flame. Spread the sesame mixture on a baking mat or silicone mat once it has cooled. Make small circular revdis once it has cooled completely.



Cleaned white sesame seeds – 200 grams

Jaggery crushed – 300 grams

Dry fruits (cashews, pistachios, almonds)

Cardamom powder – 1 tsp

Ghee – 3 tsp

To make Gajak, fry the sesame seeds in a wok over medium heat. Place the seeds on a plate after that. Now, add ghee and jaggery to the pan and cook on low heat.

Take sesame seeds and grind them in a mixer while the sugar syrup is being prepared. Take a tray or plate and grease it on the bottom with ghee.

When the sugar syrup is ready, mix it with cardamom powder and sesame seeds and stir thoroughly. Allow it to cook for a while, stirring occasionally. Turn off the heat and pour the prepared mixture into the tray, making sure it is evenly distributed. Then, on top of that, sprinkle the chopped nuts. When the mixture has hardened a little, roll it with a rolling pin.

After about 10 minutes, use a knife to cut it into the desired shape. Set it aside for a half-hour. Your delectable Gajak is now ready to eat.

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