The members of Tamil Nadu Theatre and Multiplex Owners Association (TNTMOA) have demanded that the films of big actors be released on OTT platforms only after 8 weeks of running at theatres. In a meeting held in Salem, the office bearers of the Theatre Owners Association unanimously passed six resolutions. These resolutions will soon be communicated to Chief Minister MK Stalin. The general body meeting was presided by the president of TNTMOA, M Subramaniam.
Among the six resolutions, one was to replace the previous system of renewal of theatre licenses. The industry body also stated that theatre owners should renew their licences after 3 years. TNTMOA demanded that local body taxes imposed on the tickets should be abolished. Subramaniam said that because of such differential taxes the prices of the tickets vary and discourage the audiences to watch the movie at the theatres.
At the same time, TNTMOA demanded an increase in the cost of maintenance incurred by companies. Such costs will help the company to maintain facilities, property, vehicles, and equipment among other necessary items. After the meeting, a press conference was held by the committee members. In the meeting president M Subramaniam, general secretary R Panner Selvam, treasurer DNC Elanghovan and patron SV Ramanathan were present.
President M Subramaniam addressed the meeting and said that after two years of gap because of Covid, the audiences are returning to theatres. He said, “We will soon send the demands to the Chief Minister. We all have also decided to employ diploma holders for cinema operations.’”
He added that film ticket prices in Tamil Nadu have remained stable, unlike Bengaluru, Thiruvananthapuram and Mumbai.
While concluding the meeting the general secretary R Panner Selvam said that big actors should respect the theatrical release of the movie as theatres have made them big stars.
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