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HomeLifestyleThe Ideal Food for Diabetic People is a Tasty Indian Dish! Read...

The Ideal Food for Diabetic People is a Tasty Indian Dish! Read on

It wouldn’t be inappropriate to say that Rajma Chawal is adish that has been etched in the hearts of Indians especially those in the northern region. When our body longs for some comfort food, Rajma Chawal is most likely to top the list of lip-smacking home-cooked dishes. Besides pleasing our mind, Rajma Chawal is a super-food combination that is rich in certain nutrients and provides our body with adequate nutrition. When eaten together, both foods release some essential amino acids present in protein which otherwise is difficult to obtain.

Rajma or kidney beans is also considered as a natural immunity booster as it is loaded with number of minerals and vitamins while it facilitates better skin and hair growth. But the lesser-known fact about our favourite dish is that it is also beneficial for diabetic people.

Experts suggest that kidney beans have low glycemic index (GI) of 24, making them an ideal food option for diabetic people. Now in a country like India where diabetes is so rampant that it affects more than 77 million adults, it becomes important that we explore more convenient and natural solutions to deal with it. Here, Rajma Chawal can play a greater role than we think.

Rajma contains soluble fibres that regulates cholesterol levels and also helps lower down the sugar level in our blood. Ithas potassium which keep the blood pressure in check and keeps other diseases at bay. Weight gain being one of the most prominent causes of diabetes, can be dealt with by including Rajma in your diet. Due to its protein and fibre content, Rajma keeps you full for longer periods and even steadily provides energy thus helping with weight management.

Meanwhile, Rajma also tends to help with regular bowel movements and aids better digestion. Whereas in women, it facilitates better menstrual health as it has abundance of bioactive compounds like isoflavone.

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