Sunny Kaushal and Janhvi Kapoor starrer highly anticipated film Mili has hit the silver screens today. The film had its star-studded screening in Mumbai, on October 3, Thursday. The grand event was attended by some of the most popular names in the film industry, including veteran actress Rekha, Vicky Kaushal, Sara Ali Khan, Ananya Panday, and others. Sunny Kaushal who arrived in style for the screening of his second film, was seen posing with his parents, and brother Vicky Kaushal.
In the pictures from the screening, Sunny Kaushal looks handsome in denim pants and a matching jacket which he donned with a white t-shirt. On the other hand, Vicky looked dapper in a beige hoodie and black cargo pants. The duo posed with parents at the screening of Sunny’s film.
See the pics here:
Mili, the survival drama that features Janhvi Kapoor in the titular role, has hit theatres today on November 4, Friday. The movie, which is the official remake of the acclaimed Malayalam film Helen, is helmed by original director Mathukutty Xavier, himself. Mili, which features Sunny Kaushal as the leading man, revolves around the survival of a young nursing graduate who gets trapped in the freezer room of a restaurant. The highly anticipated project is expected to recreate the magic of its original, with its making and performances.
In an exclusive chat with News18, Sunny talked about him taking on the role of actor-producer Noble Babu Thomas. Despite that, Sunny asserts that there’s no room for comparison between the original actor and the Anna Ben starring film and insists that though the soul of Helen and Mili is the same, they are quite different in terms of their settings and treatment.
“I first saw Helen and then read the script of Mili. The makers of Mili have completely adapted the former into a different culture. While the former was a Malayalam film rooted in its culture, our film is set in Dehradun.”
Talking about how his character is quite different from Noble’s Azhar in Helen, he adds, “I don’t think I could have played my character the same way as Noble Babu. I had my own interpretation of it. So, I sat with Mathu (Mathukutty Xavier; director) sir and told him about the things that I wanted to change and thus, approach my character as a completely fresh part. We worked on it and put a little more vulnerability into it. We had to heighten those traits up.”