Marathi actress Hemangi Kavi Dhumal is frequently in the headlines for various reasons. On Thursday night, she was in the news again for her latest Facebook post wherein she talked about one of her posts from a year ago. She started with her upcoming film Tamasha Live and wrote, “Tamasha Live in my life. Today marks a year of my viral post about ‘Women, Boobs and Bra’. And I am very proud of it.”
The actress is upfront and pretty vocal about her opinions. Last year, she posted about female bodies and their mentality in society. She said it’s a women’s choice whether she wants it to be revealed or whatever.
In her latest post, she explained saying something controversial or sensational was not a publicity stunt. She added, “My country has given me the authority to express myself, and if I feel uncomfortable in society, I will speak up. I don’t know if it is right or wrong. Just letting you know who we are as a society and as human beings.”
Talking about her upcoming film Tamasha live, it is a star-studded musical, presented by director Sanjay Jadhav. The Marathi movie, which is about journalism, stars Sachit Patil and Sonalee Kulkarni in the lead roles, with supporting performances by Siddharth Jadhav, Bharat Jadhav, Hemangii Kavi-Dhumal, Nagesh Bhosale, Mrunal Deshpande, Yogesh Soman, Pushkar Jog, and Manmeet Pem. Sonalee and Sachit recently spoke openly with about everything Tamasha Live.
The actors, who play journalists in the movie, said that Sanjay had narrated the script while acting out every scene. Sonalee said, “I still remember I was in Dubai, it was during the second lockdown. I got a call from Dada (Sanjay Jadhav) and I thought he’ll just tell me a story, a one-liner and then we’ll meet, and then things will happen.
“But in the first call itself, it was a video call, he narrated the entire film to me with the songs in between, with all the characterizations, he performed all the characters and I was zapped. I was amazed because a filmmaker that he is, he doesn’t have to do that. He can just narrate a one-line and we’re anyway sold.”