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HomeTechMetaverse platform Bullieverse raises $4 million in funding led by Web3 venture...

Metaverse platform Bullieverse raises $4 million in funding led by Web3 venture funds

Mumbai: Bullieverse, an open-world metaverse platform has raised $4 million from investors led by Web3 venture funds to help build an arcade of play-to-earn games.

This funding supports Bullieverse‘s aim to establish an open metaverse platform owned by Web3 enthusiasts, creators, and a growing community of gamers. Nearly a dozen investor participated in the round including blockchain players such as Okx Blockdream Ventures, Fundamental Games, 6th Man Ventures, C2 Ventures among others.

The latest funding round will enable the company expand its ecosystem, bringing more enthusiasts into the digital landscape, it said in a statement.

“Bullieverse was founded with a vision to create an open metaverse DAO in a fun and adventurous way. The mission to create a DAO involving gaming and a metaverse play will deliver a self-reinforcing gaming environment for the community. We believe we are different, and we have already started demonstrating that through our execution — the quality of design, gaming experience, platform design etc,” Srini Anala, Co-founder & CEO at Bullieverse said.

Cofounded by gaming enthusiasts, Bullieverse provides a platform in the digital space through its open metaverse where gamers, digital creators, and investors can interact with each other. Users will be able to make decisions about the future virtual ecosphere, earn rewards and share gaming experience. The fresh influx of capital will allow the project to build intuitive features, create utility and NFTs that can be explored by the users.

“In due course, we will also be able to interoperate with other Metaverse economies. The launchpad for the entire vision would be through building a loyal and crypto native community that loves our dope NFT designs, immersive gameplay, and simple game creation mechanisms”, Anala added.

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The project’s foundational framework envisions Bullieverse to become a fully functional DAO driven by the community building high-quality experiences. The project is premiering on some of the launchpads including Seedify, Infinite Launch, Redkite, GameFi, Metaverse Pad providing an opportunity to the community and early adopters to participate in the Initial Game Offering.

“As investors in the Web 3 space, we focus on product and the team. Bullieverse clearly has a top tier metaverse-gaming product and is led by a very experienced and balanced team. Both 6th Man Ventures and Bullieverse believe in the true potential of pay-and-earn gaming, its ability to expand and reign in the gaming industry,” Mike Dudas, partner at 6th Man Ventures said.

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