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HomeLifestyleKeep a Watch on Dehydration in Winter, Don’t Ignore These Five Signs

Keep a Watch on Dehydration in Winter, Don’t Ignore These Five Signs

It is necessary to have sufficient water in the body at all times to remain healthy and fit. Many people associate dehydration with just the summer season but what they fail to notice is that the body can become dehydrated even in the winter season. We may not feel thirsty as frequently in comparison to summer months but our water intake comes down without us even realising it.

The need for water intake varies from person to person but on an average an individual needs to take 3.7 litres or a little above that of water every day to stay hydrated. However, this also highly depends on factors like the environment around us and our activity level.

Lack of water for a longer period of time can lead to many diseases. Here are some signs to look out for if your body is dehydrated:

Feeling hungry all the time – After having a full meal and still feeling hungry can be a sign of dehydration. With the lack of water, our body comes into emergency mode and the liver starts holding glycogen owing to which we feel hungry frequently.

Colour change in urine –The most common sign of lack of water in the body is the yellow colour of urine. When the fluid level in the body starts decreasing the kidney tries to save as much as water it can which causes urine to be more concentrated and darker in colour.

Bad breath – Bad breath is another common sign of lack of water in the body. If there is a sufficient amount of saliva in our mouth, then it prevents bacteria from growing, but drinking less water also reduces the formation of saliva.

Headache – The blood circulation of the body slows down when there are fewer fluids present in the body. Slowing blood flow simply leads to less amount of oxygen in the body. Less oxygen to the brain can cause headaches.

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