With the advent of the internet and social media, our lives have become much easier. From food and drinks to shopping, people have everything at their fingertips. Through dating apps, people have started looking for romance as well. Whether a fling or a search for a life partner, online platforms help you in every way possible. The pandemic era has strengthened people’s trust in digital media. We have become well versed in using various apps and social media. The demand for online dating apps has also increased significantly in the last 2 to 3 years.
But young people looking for love online are often gullible and are susceptible to various online dating scams. Here is a guide to not falling for these scams and saving yourself from frauds in the online dating circle.
Be careful while creating your profile
While creating a profile on any dating app, do not share your things with anyone or on dating apps. Especially email id, social media, phone number, id etc. If you want to share your number with someone, then share it on personal chat.
Secure your photos
Take care of security while sharing photos on social media or dating apps and try not to make them publicly available as your photos can be downloaded and put to use in so many wrong ways. Always keep privacy in mind.
Do not act in haste, take it slow
Don’t be in a hurry to find a partner on these online dating apps. Never get too intimate on video calls with a person you have just started speaking to and do not give away details like address or bank details. Take your time to know a person.
Learn to say no
If someone is suspicious of dating apps, do not give in to his or her whims and say you are not interested in continuing a conversation. If you are repeatedly getting messages and calls, complain to the cyber cell.
Be very careful before going on your first date
If you are going to meet an unknown person for the first time, choose a crowded place or take a friend or relative with you so that you can avoid any untoward incident. It is recommended you not eat anything offered to you by the person on the first day itself.