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Expert Tips to Avoid Common Meditation Mistakes, and Introduce Calmness to Your Life

Meditation, an ancient practice, is an experience of relaxing the body, calming the mind and awakening the spirit. It motivates a feeling of consciousness and also facilitates a deeper understanding of ourselves. There are thousands of meditation techniques developed and practised over the years holding specific methods and skills that can be learned. The physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual benefits include: lower blood pressure, high levels of energy, creativity, decreased stress, depression and anxiety, and many more.

While many have adopted meditation as a daily routine, some people find it difficult and unpleasant as it requires time to perfect and constant effort and discipline. Furthermore, beginners frequently commit mistakes like- problems in focusing, being unable to control thoughts during meditation, frequently experimenting with various techniques, and also trying to seek immediate results.

Dhurv Patel and Dr. Batul Patel, (founder of the Ruhgu) spoke to Hindustan Times about common meditation mistakes and how to avoid them.

The proper way to meditate

One basic thought troubles our mind i.e, are we meditating properly? Dhruv Patel and Dr. Batul Patel said, “There is no right or wrong way to meditate, sometimes even without trying to meditate you might already be meditating, especially when you are in the flow of doing something you love. So, the last thing you want to do is have expectations from your meditation session, there is no perfect way of doing it, just make a conscious effort and let meditation come to you effortlessly.”

How to control thoughts during meditation:

Controlling thoughts is a very “common misconception” that needs fixing, according to Dhruv Patel and Dr Batul Patel. “The idea is to not get involved with your thoughts but be a silent observer. This will gradually reduce the intensity of your thoughts and empty your mind,” they said.

How to calm your mind

The key to meditation is calming the mind without losing focus. For that reason, Dhruv Patel and Dr Batul Patel mentioned that to get the proper results, we have to practice and discipline our brain invariably to enhance focus and concentration.

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