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HomeLifestyleEating Too Much Brinjal Might Not Be Good For You; Find Out...

Eating Too Much Brinjal Might Not Be Good For You; Find Out Why

The eggplant offers several health advantages due to its high concentration of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, dietary fibres, and other components. There are, however, certain negative consequences to consuming too much of it. These are the most prevalent adverse effects of eating too much eggplant.

Allergic Reactions

Eggplant is a member of the nightshade plant family, which is notorious for eliciting severe allergic responses. As a result, they may trigger allergic responses in certain people. Some frequent symptoms of eggplant allergy include throat swelling, uneasiness, itching, and rashes.

Excess of Potassium And Fiber

Eggplant is high in potassium and fibre, all of which are helpful to our health. However, too much of these substances are harmful since they have their specific set of negative effects. A 458 g of eggplant provides 29% of the daily potassium needs. But because virtually all veggies include potassium, you may wind up with more potassium than you need and experience nausea and vomiting.

Kidney Stones

Eggplant includes a substantial amount of oxalates, which when present in high amounts in physiological fluids can develop crystals and form kidney or gallbladder stones. As a result, people who already have renal or gallbladder problems are typically recommended to avoid eggplant.

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