Numerous businesses provide numerous benefits for credit cards. The IRCTC-SBI Bank card, on the other hand, offers unique advantages. Travelers in particular will benefit from this credit card. The advantages of a credit card are enormous. Here are a few advantages.
People can get fixed discounts on train tickets and airfare with credit cards. Insurance discounts and surcharges for gasoline and diesel would also be available. There would be no cost to enter the railway lounge.
The first time this card is used, the holder receives 1500 reward points. These reward points are worth Re.1. Using your IRCTC login ID, you can access your card.
If you are planning a trip and purchase tickets through the IRCTC website and mobile application, you will be eligible to redeem these reward points.
2500 reward points are awarded to an individual who spends Rs. 50.000 annually on travel. A person receives 5000 reward points for a Rs 100,000 expenditure.
A person receives Rs 10 lakh in automatic train accident coverage. If someone dies in an airplane crash, this coverage goes up to Rs 50 lakh.
Tickets for the flight would immediately be discounted. The reduction would be 5%.You also get fraud liability insurance for Rs 1 lakh.
You get free access to the railway lounge for two times every three months.