Salman Khan hosted the first Shukravaar Ka Vaar episode of Bigg Boss 16 on Friday during which he asked MC Stan if some people tried to take advantage of his fight with co-contestant Shiv Thakare. To this, the rapper nodded in positive and argued that almost everyone tried to take advantage of his and Shiv’s fight.
When Salman Khan asked MC Stan to name a few contestants, he named Gautam Vig, Shalin Bhanot and Tina Dutta. However, Gautam explained that his intention was only to help. Following this, Stan talked about Shalin and said, “aisa lag raha hai acting kar raha hai (Looks like he is acting).” However, Shalin also gave a befitting reply and told Stan that he charges an amount for acting and is therefore not being fake in the Bigg Boss 16 house. “Script chaiye mujhe, director chaiye… acting nahi kar raha hu (I need script and director to act. I am not acting here),” he said.
Later when Stan asked Gautam if he felt bad about what he said, the latter clarified that there are no hard feelings. Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia, who is the caption of the house, also added that everyone in the house felt bad after Stan got emotional and teary-eyed following his fight with Shiv.
Not just this, but even Tina tried to make things better with Stan and suggested that he should talk to people more often.
For the unversed, celebrities who are locked inside Bigg Boss 16 house this year are Abdu Rozik, Tina Dutta, Sajid Khan, Sreejita De, Manya Singh, Sumbul Touqeer Khan, Shiv Thakare, Soundarya Sharma, Shalin Bhanot, Gautam Singh Vig, Archana Gautam, MC Stan, Ankit Gupta, Priyanka Chahar Choudhary, Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia, and Gori Nagori.
Bigg Boss 16 airs from Monday to Friday at 10:00 pm on Colors TV, whereas on Saturdays and Sundays, Salman Khan hosts the show from 9:30 pm.