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HomeLifestyleBelly Fat Troubling You? Well, Barley Dalia May Help a Great Deal....

Belly Fat Troubling You? Well, Barley Dalia May Help a Great Deal. Check Recipe

Belly fat is something that we witness as we move into our 30s and 40s. There’s a variety of factors, including our lifestyle and work posture, that contribute to the accumulation of belly fat. However, there’s a dish that’s not just tasty but has also proven effective against belly fat.

Barley has weight loss properties, and it, besides reducing weight, also helps boost immunity. If you, too, are stressed about your increasing weight and want to be fit, you should try Barley Dalia.

Barley and vegetables are mainly used in the preparation of this dish. The recipe is very easy and it doesn’t take much time either. Ingredients:

Barley Dalia – 1/2 cup,

Pea – 1/2 cup,

Finely chopped tomato – 1,

Carrot – 1/4 cup,

Capsicum – 1/4 cup,

Cauliflower – – 1/4 cup

Cumin seeds – 1/2 teaspoon,

Ghee – 1 teaspoon,

Ginger paste – 1 teaspoon,

Green chilly – 2

Green coriander – 1 tablespoon,

Salt – as per taste

First, clean barley dalia property. Fry it in a pan on medium flame until it turns light brown. Now, take a pressure cooker and heat 1 spoon of Ghee on medium flame. Then add half spoon cumin seeds to it. When Cumin seeds start making sound, put chopped capsicum, carrot, cauliflower, and pea and fry them.

After cooking the vegetables properly, put ginger paste, chopped green chilly, and salt as per taste. Fry these for one minute. Now, add the dalia and chopped tomato to it. Put a large cup of water in the cooker. Water should be three times the quantity of dalia. Close the cooker and put gas on high flame.

After one whistle, turn off gas and release the pressure of the cooker. The healthy and tasty Dalia is ready.

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