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AR Rahman Poses With Ponniyin Selvan: I Stars Chiyaan Vikram, Trisha At Airport; Watch Viral Video

Music Maestro AR Rahman was spotted with Ponniyin Selvan: I stars Chiyaan Vikram and Trisha Krishnan at the airport. The musician was travelling to Mumbai from Hyderabad with the three of them after attending a promotional event. The trio looked stylish as they made their airport appearance in ethnic ensembles. While AR Rahman and Vikram twinned in a black kurta, Trisha Krishnan looked gorgeous in a salwar suit.

In a video posted by popular Bollywood paparazzi Viral Bhayani, AR Rahman is seen stepping out of the airport with Vikram and Trisha. On being requested by the shutterbugs, the trio stood together and posed for the lens with smiles on their faces. Trisha is even seen waving at one of the fans, while she got captured in the camera.

Check the video here:

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On Friday evening, Friday evening,  AR Rahman had shared an epic flight selfie with Ponniyin Selvan I stars Vikram, Aishwarya Rai and Trisha.

Sharing the selfie on Instagram, AR Rahman wrote, “Guess who’s travelling with me… Enroute to Mumbai from Hyderabad… PS 1 promotions!” The picture shows the music composer in black, wearing matching glasses and a mask, clicking the picture with Vikram sitting beside him. A few inches away, Aishwarya Rai is seen chatting with Trisha.

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Fans got excited on watching all of them onboard a flight. A fan asked, “The more important question, how come this isn’t business class or a private jet?” Another commented, “we love a budget (flight emoji).” A fan also noticed how those sitting behind them made an effort to fit into the frame and said, “Everyone from behind (laughing emoji).” A fan also commented, “Aish and Trish becoming good friends. Glad to see it.”

Aishwarya and Trisha play rivals in the film Ponniyin Selvan I . While Aishwarya plays the antagonist Princess Nandini, Trisha plays Chola princess Kundavai in the film.

A Mani Ratnam directorial, the film also stars Karthi, Aishwarya Lekshmi, Sobhita Dhulipala, and Prakash Raj in pivotal roles. The movie will be released in two parts. AR Rahman composed music for the film, and Ponniyin Selvan has been edited by the famous and talented, A. Sreekar Prasad. The trailer is voiced by Kamal Haasan. Ponniyin Selvan will be the first Tamil movie to release in IMAX when it hits the screens on September 30

The makers of this magnum opus unveiled its trailer at a grand audio launch event in Chennai on Tuesday. The video had many larger-than-life frames that introduced the audience to the story of the Chola dynasty.

The first part of the film is all set to release in theaters in five languages – Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada and will premiere on Amazon Prime after the theatrical release.

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