With just two days left for Ajay Devgn and Kajol’s wedding anniversary, the Singham actor has found a way to not forget his anniversary date this year. On Tuesday, Ajay took to Instagram and shared a picture of the quiz segment from their joint appearance on Koffee With Karan in 2018. Fans would remember that director-producer Karan Johar had asked the couple numerous questions about their personal lives, one of which was about their wedding anniversary.
During the segment, Ajay was seen struggling to get the date right. While he guess February correctly, he was a couple of days short of the exact date. “February 22.. 23?” he tried guessing when an angry Kajol informed him it was February 24. Ajay shared the hilarious moment as an Instagram post as a reminder. “Reminder,” he captioned the post, leaving fans in splits.
“Omggggg (laughing emojis),” wrote a fan. “Guess YOU will remember forever now,” added another. “Happy Marriage Anniversary in advance,” a third fan added.
Ajay and Kajol will be celebrating their 23rd wedding anniversary this year. The couple decided to marry in 1999, after having been together for four years. Speaking with Humans Of Bombay, Kajol said, “Neither of us proposed — we just gradually evolved and at some point it was just understood that we were to be together. It went from hand-holding to a lot more before we knew it! We used to go out for dinners, and so many drives — he lived in Juhu and I lived in South Bombay, so half our relationship was in the car! All my friends warned me about him — he had quite a reputation back then. But he was different with me, and that’s all I knew.”
The actress added that when the couple told their respective parents about their decision to marry, Kajol’s dad was upset. He hadn’t spoken to her for four days. “He wanted me to focus on my career, but I was firm, and he eventually came around,” she added. Over two decades since their wedding, Ajay and Kajol are parents to two children — Nysa and Yug — and have continued to work on movies, filming a few movies together as well.